You said, we did

We collect feedback from customers in several ways. These can be in person, at coffee mornings, engagement activities, as part of our complaints process, satisfaction surveys, or as part of our neighbourhood visits.
In the below “you said, we did” updates we're sharing how your feedback is being used to change or improve things.

Updated 20 June 2024

Cleaning tender

You said

We did

You wanted to have more involvement with the recruitment of new contractors

Invited customers to take part in the tender process, this included reviewing the specification, scoring the tenders, and interviewing contractors and we will continue to do this with other tenders in the future.

You would like to know when work will be carried out in your area

This is now on our website and includes details of the contractors too. You can read more here

You would like a cleaning and window cleaning page on the website

Designed a new page where information about your scheme and contractor can be found. You can view this here


CEO interviews

You said

We did

You wanted to have more involvement with the recruitment at Westward

Invited scrutiny members to take part in scoring and interviewing the applicants for CEO of Westward


Homeowners group/shared owners

You said

We did

You wanted Home Owners to have more engagement opportunities

  • We have a page dedicated to Home Owners here
  • We have set up a Home Owners Group that meets quarterly.