How to register for a rental property in Devon or Cornwall
All rental properties from housing associations are let to successful bidders who are registered on Devon Home Choice or Cornwall Homechoice (we do not hold our own waiting list).
So if you wish to bid for one of our properties (it could be a new home or a re-let) you should register for one of these schemes and if you are successful you will be given a starter tenancy.
You can learn more and apply at:
Devon Home Choice has a handy app:
- Android phones or tablets: or search for ‘home connections’
- Apple iphones or iPads: or search for ‘homeconnect’.
We also showcase properties on our Property Search and on our Twitter or Facebook pages.
You can learn more about having a rented property with Westward here:
If you have any questions about Devon or Cornwall's choice based lettings systems mentioned above, please contact your local authority:
Cornwall Council, East Devon District Council , Exeter City Council , Mid Devon District Council , North Devon District Council , Plymouth City Council , South Hams District Council , Teignbridge District Council , Torbay Council , Torridge District Council and West Devon Borough Council.
We follow both Westward safe working practices and the government's ‘National Guidance on Moving Home Safely’.
If you are an applicant that has been informally made an offer of a property please complete the Verification Form below and attach the documents you have been asked to provide by the Lettings Co-ordinator. This is a secure communication for your important personal documents. Before you upload your documents, please read our Privacy Policy.
Lettings Verification Form