Scrutiny blog summer 2024

Scrutiny blog summer 2024
The last few months has been a time of big changes for the scrutiny group. Due to changes within the group, we are now down to 5 members.
However, in July we had lunch at Strawberry Fields in Lifton. We talked for nearly 4 hours about the group and made plans for the coming 12 months. It made a huge difference not talking via a screen;
It's important for us to have a diverse group of customers who can work in partnership with staff to see improved services for customers.
- We want to hear from people who represent our neighbourhoods.
- We want to hear from people in from towns and villages across Devon and Cornwall.
- We want to hear from people from our more diverse communities to make sure that their voice is heard too.
In August we will be promoting the customer scrutiny group on social media and asking people if they'd like to know more. Giving customers the opportunity to be an observer at one of our meetings, to talk to a member of the group to find out what they get out of it, or to attend an information evening online. Lookout for this, we can't wait to talk to you.
As a group we want to know more about our neighbourhoods. We all know what it's like where we live but we want to know what it's like where you live.
In the autumn we will be joining the engagement officer to visit various schemes across Devon and Cornwall. Let us know if you’d like us to visit yours.
This is a great opportunity to see what our schemes are like it's also a chance for us to talk to residents on their estate about where they live.
We are a really friendly bunch so come and say hello to us. We can’t wait to see you.