Nobody wants damp or mould in their homes, so we would like to remind you of how to identify the causes, address them where possible and encourage you to report any persistent mould and damp in your home.

Damp and mould most often links to condensation but may also be caused by other factors. So, it’s important that you tell us when you spot it and send us plenty of images and information so we can assess them and book a video call or home visit to give advice, signpost you to helpful guidance or to start treatment and prevention work. You will find the form at the bottom of this page.

In turn, our colleagues are trained to be proactive where they see signs of damp and mould in homes. You also have your part to play and reducing condensation in your home is key – you can help control this by using the information below.

Tips on preventing condensation

In the winter months, you can expect to see a greater chance of condensation build up within your home because of the outside air temperature dropping much lower compared to the summer. It is important that you ensure you are following steps so condensation within the home can be managed affectively to help prevent mould growth in your home. You can see our controlling condensation leaflet here for more information.

Whilst you can act to prevent condensation following the guidance below, we appreciate that some things may be beyond your control and that’s when you need us.

 Illustration of someone putting a lid on a boiling inputUse pan lids when cooking

This will ensure that you reduce the moisture content created when cooking or boiling water.

Always use your extractor fans

Extractor fans are designed to reduce and remove moisture that is created when cooking, bathing, showering, or sleeping. Always allow an extra 15-20 minutes to clear any remaining humidity within your home.

Thermostat set to 18 degrees Use your heating

Ensuring you maintain a constant temperature in your home will help prevent condensation build up in your home. Try to maintain your home at a temperature of 18 degrees celsius in the winter months.

Keep your doors closed

Make sure you keep your kitchen and bathroom doors closed whilst cooking, bathing, showering and once finished as the moisture can travel between rooms and begin to form condensation in colder parts of your home.

Wipe away the condensation

 Illustration of someone wiping condensation Keeping on top of wiping away any moisture in your home will help prevent condensation. In winter, you can expect to see a greater chance of condensation build-up in your home because of the outside air temperature dropping lower. It is important that you follow these steps so condensation can be managed effectively to help prevent mould growth in your home. This includes wiping away condensation that has formed on your windows during the night, this should be done each morning during the winter. There are some very handy products on the market that can wipe away and extract the moisture in seconds from your windows, walls, and tiles.

Adequate ventilation

Not allowing air to stagnate within the home is vital to help prevent mould growth. Please ensure you leave gaps for air circulation around furniture in all rooms, open your windows to allow a change of air and ensure your ventilation systems are switched on and in use.

Do not overfill wardrobes and cupboards

 Illustration of clothes on washing lineItems in these can suffer from mould growth due to a lack of ventilation if the air is not able to freely circulate inside. It’s always good to ensure your furniture doors are frequently opened, not overfilled and items are repositioned to help remove stagnated air.

Try to dry your clothes outside

Drying clothes on a radiator will increase the humidity within your home and lead to an increase in the moisture within the air. Please try to dry as much washing outdoors or dry within your bathroom with the window open and the door firmly shut until the washing is completely dry.

Cost of heating your home

It is important to maintain the temperature of your home using your heating – 18 degrees is best in winter. If you are too worried to use any heating in your home, please apply to us through our household support fund or speak to us.

Identifying damp and mould

Damp and mould can affect your home in three different ways: 

Penetrating dampPenetrating damp

Water can get into your home through an external wall, if there is a building imperfection or where walls have broken down over time. Properties with cavity wall insulation can also be susceptible. 

Signs: damp staining on external walls, damp patches on internal walls or ceilings, wet and crumbly plaster or signs of spores or black mould in one area.

  • Rising dampRising damp

Water in the ground can enter a property by travelling up through the pores in brick work.

Signs: tidemark damp stains on internal walls up to 1.2 metres above the skirting boards. Salt-contaminated plaster - a powdery white substance. Cracked, damp or decaying skirting boards. Peeling or flaking paint, damp wallpaper, black mould on skirting boards. Similar signs on external walls.

  • Condensation dampCondensation damp

Lack of air flow and ventilation in the home is the main cause of condensation. Warm, damp, humid air which is unable to disperse outside, will begin to form water on cold indoor surfaces such as windows, tiles and walls.

Signs: water droplets on windows or walls. Decaying window frames with stained and wet corners. Damp walls, peeling wallpaper or damaged plaster, musty/damp smell and black mould on walls, curtains, carpets and window sills.

Also look around your property and if you see a toilet/cold water storage tank overflow pipe leaking onto an external wall at a high level please let us know.

​​​​​​​If you are at all worried – tell us!

We take this very seriously. If you report damp or mould, please use this form below and upload as many images as possible. Then we can book a video call if we have further queries and get started with addressing the problem.

After reporting the mould to us and sending photos, please:

1. Clean mould from window frames and walls with a weak diluted bleach solution or fungicidal wash. Wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room while you do it.

2. Shampoo any mouldy carpets – do not brush or vacuum mould as this puts it in the air and you could breathe it in.

Report damp and mould

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Please answer the following questions as fully as possible to help us address your home damp and mould concerns.
  Yes No
*This is a mandatory field. Does the property feel humid?
*This is a mandatory field. Are there any signs of mould?
  Yes No
*This is a mandatory field. Are there any damp patches, especially behind furniture or in corners?
*This is a mandatory field. Can the windows be opened?
  Yes No
*This is a mandatory field. Is there condensation on the walls?
*This is a mandatory field. Is the wallpaper peeling off the walls?
*This is a mandatory field. Is there mould present on soft furnishings?

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