
Westward recognises that safeguarding adults at risk is everyone’s responsibility.

We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of adults at risk and working with other partners to promote and fully implement local multi-agency safeguarding policies and procedures.

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure

Westward recognises that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and that as a housing and support provider we have an important role in promoting the wellbeing of children, safeguarding and protecting them from harm.

Westward is committed to working in partnership with children, parents, carers and other agencies to improve outcomes for children and to fully implement local multi-agency child protection and safeguarding policies and procedures.

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Procedure



Film transcript:

Warning, this safeguarding film talks about types of abuse, which some may find distressing or a trigger.

The importance of safeguarding. Westward’s Scrutiny Group member Janine talks us through what you can do if you have safeguarding concerns.

"Hi, I'm Janine and I live in Padstow, and I'm a member of Westward Scrutiny Group and I'm here today to talk about safeguarding because it's a very important issue.

If your gut feeling is that there's something wrong then the chances are that there is, and you know you would be wise to act upon it. If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue at all whether it's an adult or a child, then please speak to Westward if you're a Westward customer or your local authority.

Don't just ignore it or hope that someone else will report it.

So what do we mean when we say safeguarding?

  • Physical abuse is deliberately causing injury.
  • Sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual actions.
  • Psychological abuse is actions that control isolate or frighten.
  • Financial or material abuse is when someone takes money or possessions.
  • Modern slavery including people trafficking is when they are forced to work for almost nothing.
  • Discriminatory abuse can be based on, for example, gender sexuality or race or religion.
  • Organisational abuse is poor care or support by organisations.
  • Neglect or acts of omission are not being looked after.
  • Self-neglect and hoarding are when someone isn't looking after themselves.
  • Radicalisation is being taught to adopt radical views,
  • we respond on domestic abuse including forced marriage which includes controlling, degrading or violent behaviour towards a partner or a family.

If you notice something that doesn’t feel quite right, for example, a child who always seems hungry, or you observe a friend who isn’t allowed by their partner to have their own money anymore, it’s important to report your concern.

Anyone can contact the council. We all have a duty to each other.

What if I get it wrong?

It's much better to mean well, tell us or the local authorities and be wrong than to say nothing and find out later on that there were concerns. As long as you contacted us with good intentions then you won't get into any trouble.

What will happen next?

I'm sure that you understand that you may never find out the outcome as this is confidential but be sure that we would have acted. We know it's hard but if there is a problem you should do something.”

How to report it

If you are a Westward customer or you are concerned about a Westward customer

If you are not a Westward customer and you see something that worries you or you are impacted by one of the topics in this video.

  • Call 999 if it’s an emergency or they/you are in immediate danger
  • If it's an adult, please contact your local council
  • If you think a child or young person is at risk or being abused or neglected, contact the children’s social care team at your local council, the NSPCC or Police for advice.

Useful links



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