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What is a stock condition survey?

A stock condition survey is a visual inspection of the inside and outside of your home and takes around an hour to complete. The surveyor collects information on the condition of your home, looking at the following key areas:

·       They will make an assessment of the age and condition of major elements in your home such as structural components i.e. walls, roofs, windows, and doors.  

·       Internal components such as kitchens, and bathrooms

·       The general condition of Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Systems i.e heating, electrics etc.

·       They will also look at elements related to the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of your home i.e. Insulation etc. Confirming these against its current EPC rating to inform our future investment.  

Purpose of a stock condition survey:

Westward owns over 7000 properties across Devon and Cornwall and it’s important that we check the age and condition of all the essential parts of homes: from the outside to the inside. We will be using the results from the survey to set plans and budgets for our investment program over the coming years. 

The results will be used to identify and inform when and where homes will need planned work. So that we make the best use of our resources. 

What to expect from a stock condition survey:

The survey will usually take about an hour to complete and will include a visual inspection of the inside and outside of your home. The surveyor may also wish to ask you a few questions about your home. We will also be surveying all communal areas where Westward are responsible for repairs. In general, the surveyor will not need to move furniture or carpets but may look in the loft (if you have one), as long as it’s reasonably safe to access. 

We may wish to take photographs of your property, but please be assured that this will be limited to the individual elements of your home, and will not include personal belongings, which can be used to identify you.

All the data from these surveys will be stored securely on our housing management system.

ID card


How will I know that the surveyor is from Westward?

All our surveyors will be carrying an identity card with their photograph, which they will show to you on their arrival. If you are in any doubt, do not let them into your home until you have checked their identity with us by calling us on 0300 100 1010.


Why is my home being surveyed?

Over the next few years, it is mandatory that we complete surveys of all our properties to ensure we are compliant with the Decent Homes Standard and the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). But this will also help us gain a better picture of the general condition of our homes, and inform our investment priorities, so that we can make the best use of our resources.

Will I be given plenty of notice?

Although this is a mandatory survey, please don’t be concerned!

We will aim to give you as much notice as possible, but also try to work with you so that it can be completed at a convenient time. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer evening and weekend appointments, but please be assured we will do our best to find a time that is suitable. 

We will be sending letters to our tenants a month in advance, i.e. if we wish to complete your survey in April, you should receive a letter from us in March.

We will also then contact you by phone at the latest a week before our visit to give you a more specific time slot. A text message to confirm an appointment can be requested when the survey is booked.

In odd circumstances, where we have been unable complete surveys or where surveys have been completed ahead of time. We may use the opportunity while we are in the area to complete an Ad-Hoc survey. A surveyor may contact you by phone, on the day, and ask if it is possible to complete a survey of your property. 

If it is not a convenient time, then please do let us know, and we will move on to a different property and ideally agree a more suitable time with you to return.