Calling all noise app users
If you are a user of The Noise App then you need to be aware of these changes. The company will have already emailed you so this is just information in case you missed your email.
They are moving to a new version of the app, The Noise App 2.0.
What do I need to do?
By 17 January 2024 ensure all of your cases have fully synced (step by step process below).
Once complete, logout and delete the app.
Download the new app from your Google or App store under ‘The Noise App 2.0’.
There is also a new website to log into Please do not try to log into the previous website as this will not work.
Sync steps
1. Remain signed into the app
2. Be in a place with a good internet connection
3. Dismiss the app so it is closed (but signed in)
4. Open the app
5. View a case from the case diary
6. Return to the case diary
7. Leave for around 30 minutes with a good internet connection
Important information
Do not log in to the new app until the move has been successful.
For further support here is The Noise App User Guide
For any queries, please contact