Looking after your mental health
We are all being hit by the cost of living crisis.
It can be a daunting time, so it is very important to also look after your mental health.
Look after yourself and keep talking.
Protecting our mental health is SO important. We can all try to do small things every day that help us feel OK, so we’re better able to cope with life.
It’s like brushing your teeth daily - important in preventing problems. It’s the same for our mental health.
Mental health organisation, Mind, has collated information and advice on how to manage your mental health with the focus on money worries here.
Mental Health and Money Advice also share helpful advice and resources, including the stress bucket method. Read their advice on money worries and mental health here.
If you are worried about your mental health and it becomes too overwhelming, please don't hesitate to call your GP for help and advice. You can also talk to many organisations such as Samaritans on telephone: 116 123.