Drugs issues 'county lines'

County lines posterSpeak up. Stay safe.

Urban drug gangs do not care how much suffering or damage they inflict on people’s lives.

They recruit vulnerable adults and children to act as couriers to move drugs and cash to suburban or rural areas.

They often set up a base in a rural area, taking over the home of a vulnerable person and use adults and children to acts as runners for drugs.

Report crime. You have the power to stop the drug gangs.

Contact Crimestoppers anonymously at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/forms/give-information-anonymously or call 0800 555 111.

Help keep your community safe and protect those who need help.  Everyone has the right to feel safe. Wherever they live.

The Police need help to protect children and vulnerable adults:

  • Has a child or young person gone missing from school or home?
  • Are they meeting with unfamiliar adults or is there a change in their behaviour?
  • Are they using drugs and alcohol?
  • Have they acquired money or expensive gifts they can't account for?

Report any information on criminal activity to local Police at           


Support for Young People ( & Professionals Supporting Young People)

Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality and they provide a safe place to give information about crime - 100% anonymously https://www.fearless.org/en