Domestic abuse


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Our priority will always be to work with you to keep you safe and minimise the risk of harm. 

So how can we help?

Basic safety advice

We can provide basic safety advice and set up safe contact methods with you so that we can stay in touch without risking your safety. We will put you in touch with other organisations who can help with your situation.

Keeping your home safe

If we need to complete emergency repairs to keep you safe, we will arrange these within 24 hours. This may be changing the locks once the perpetrator has left, installing bolts or anything else needed to keep you safe in the property in the short term.

If you want to stay in the property we can help you make this safe by asking our partner “Safe Partnership” to risk assess your property and install anything needed to keep you safe in the longer term.

If you want to move

We can help you with moving options if you decide that moving is the best option for you and we will support you with these.

If your partner is a joint tenant

We will talk to you about your options so that you can decide the best route forward. If you need to access legal help we can provide information on where this can be accessed free of charge.

Rent arrears

We will work with you to help you clear these and refer you to organisations who can help with your finances.


If you are experiencing domestic abuse, please open the tab below and use the form to report it to us. 

Report domestic abuse here

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  • In an emergency please call the police (999)
  • For advice contact one of these helplines
To report domestic abuse, or if you have any concerns or questions, please contact us by ringing 0300 100 1010 or completing the form below. If you contact Westward, we will be in touch with you within one working day - please give us a number we can safely contact you on and any times that are safe to contact you.

We offer advice and guidance including referrals to other agencies who can arrange emergency accommodation. To make sure you get the right support we may work with other agencies such as Refuge, Victim Support, Women's Aid, the police and local authorities. In high risk cases, we may make a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) referral. 

We may take legal action, which can result in the perpetrator losing their home, in order to protect you, our customers and the local community.

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You are not alone

You are not alone

Think about how you might get help if you need to. 

We work with domestic abuse services.

Click for help to plan your next step:

Practical Help and Contacts